WICE Internal Signals
The following WICE-internal signals are supported by Signal Reader:
Signal name | Description |
Accelerometer_X | The value of the X direction of the WCU's built-in accelerometer. |
Accelerometer_Y | The value of the Y direction of the WCU's built-in accelerometer. |
Accelerometer_Z | The value of the Z direction of the WCU's built-in accelerometer. |
Audio_Device_1 | The status of audio device 1 (1=recording, 0 = not recording). When present in a recorder, the audio module will record sound from the device. |
Audio_Device_2 | The status of audio device 2 (1=recording, 0 = not recording). When present in a recorder, the audio module will record sound from the device. |
Busload_CAN_<n> | The bus load on CAN bus <n> |
CSQ | The built-in modem's CSQ value (Signal Quality) |
Date_Year | The year of the current date. |
Date_Month | The month (1-12) of the current date. |
Date_Day | The day of the month (1-31) of the current date. |
Date_Weekday | The day of the week (1-7, where 1 is Sunday). |
Date_Hour | The hour of the day (0-23). |
Date_Minute | The minute of the hour (0-59). |
Date_Second | The second of the minute (0-59). |
Dynamic_<n> | Special signals with values assignable from external software components (typically used for Rapid Prototyping). |
IO__AI_<n> | Analog input number <n> |
IO__DI_<n> | Digital input number <n> |
IO__DO_<n> | Digital output number <n> |
Log_All_Frames_CAN_<n> | Log all CAN frames on CAN bus <n> |
Log_All_Frames_FlexRay_<n> | Log all CAN frames on Flexray bus <n> |
Latitude | The GPS latitude |
Longitude | The GPS longitude |
Network_Receive_Rate_eth0 | The rate i kilobilts per second of receiving data on the eth0 interface |
Network_Receive_Rate_eth1 | The rate i kilobilts per second of receiving data on the eth1 interface |
Network_Receive_Rate_ppp0 | The rate i kilobilts per second of receiving data on the ppp0 (i.e. mobile data communication) interface |
Network_Transmit_Rate_eth0 | The rate i kilobilts per second of transmitting data on the eth0 interface |
Network_Transmit_Rate_eth1 | The rate i kilobilts per second of transmitting data on the eth1 interface |
Network_Transmit_Rate_ppp0 | The rate i kilobilts per second of transmitting data on the ppp0 (i.e. mobile data communication) interface |
Power_Mode | The power mode of the WCU |
Random | A random number generator |
Random_Start | A random number generator updated once, at program start |
Random_Setup_Switch | A random number generator updated at each measurement set-up switch |
Start_Signal | The start signal of the WCU |
Start_Signal_Voltage | The voltage of the start signal of the WCU, in millivolts |
Speed | The GPS speed |
Start_Switch | The start switch of the WCU |
Tester_Present | When present in a measurement set-up, a Tester Present diagnostic request (with suppress Positive Response bit set) will be sent periodically. |
Time_Since_Epoch | The time elapsed since the epoch (Jan 1, 1970, 00:00) |
Time_Since_Start | The time elapsed since the start of the assignment |
Time_Since_Setup Switch | The time elapsed since the activation of the current measurement set-up |
Trigger_Button | The trigger button connected to the WCU |
Usage_CPU | The WCU CPU usage in percent |
Usage_Memory | The WCU memory usage in percent |
Video_Camera_1 | The status of video camera 1 (1=connected, 0 = disconnected). When present in a recorder, the video module will record video from the camera. |
Video_Camera_2 | The status of video camera 2 (1=connected, 0 = disconnected). When present in a recorder, the video module will record video from the camera. |
WCU_Battery | The WCU battery voltage in millivolts |
WCU_Temp | The WCU internal temperature in degrees Celsius |
WCU_Voltage | The WCU voltage in millivolts |