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|True when the specified signal changes from the specified value to the other specified value: Syntax: CHANGE_FROM_TO(Signal, value, value)
|True when the specified signal changes from the specified value to the other specified value. Syntax: CHANGE_FROM_TO(Signal, value, value)
|Effects a delay in seconds from that the condition is fulfilled. Syntax: TIMER(expression,time)
|Counts the time elapsed when the boolean expression has been true. Syntax: TIME_COUNTER(expression)


Revision as of 11:23, 18 June 2018

Trigger conditions are expressions evaluated by the Signal Signal reader module to control when recorders are started and stopped and when measurement set-up switches are performed. Trigger conditions are boolean expressions, evaluated to either true or false. A number of operators can be combined to for the trigger expression. The allowed operators in trigger expressions are shown in the table below.

= Tests for equality. Syntax: expression = expression
!= Tests for inequality. Syntax: expression != expression
< Tests for left side of expression being less than right side. Syntax: expression < expression
> Tests for left side of expression being greater than right side. Syntax: expression > expression
<= Tests for left side of expression being less or equal to right side. Syntax: expression <= expression
>= Tests for left side of expression being greater or equal to right side. Syntax: expression >= expression
AND Logical conjunction between left and right side boolean expressions. Syntax: boolean expression AND boolean expression
OR Logical disjunction between left and right side boolean expressions. Syntax: boolean expression OR boolean expression
CHANGE True when the specified signal changes value by at least the specified amount. Syntax: CHANGE(Signal, amount)
CHANGE_UP True when the specified signal increases its value with the specified amount. Syntax: CHANGE_UP(Signal, amount)
CHANGE_DOWN True when the specified signal increases its value with the specified amount. Syntax: CHANGE_UP(Signal, amount)
CHANGE_FROM_TO True when the specified signal changes from the specified value to the other specified value. Syntax: CHANGE_FROM_TO(Signal, value, value)
TIMER Effects a delay in seconds from that the condition is fulfilled. Syntax: TIMER(expression,time)
TIME_COUNTER Counts the time elapsed when the boolean expression has been true. Syntax: TIME_COUNTER(expression)