Quick Start

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This chapter takes you on a tour to quickly get acquainted with the WICE Portal to see how it works.

As the WICE Portal is a web based tool there is no need to install any software on your computer. All you need is a web browser, such as Internet Explorer, which has Javascript enabled. Using the WICE Portal you can for example: See which assignments are running in which car. Check up on each assignment's respective status. Get result files from tasks. And much more.

In this quick start you will first be introduced to the basic model, and how it is supposed to work. Once the basics has been covered a simple scenario will be presented. This scenario will show how a task you have created is sent to a car and then started. How to download the data generated by a task for further analysis will also be covered.

Basic Conceptual Model

Figure 1: This image shows how you the user, the WICE portal and the cars in the field are connected. As you see here you as the user access the WCUs and their cars through the portal.
Figure 2: This figure shows how a task, assignment and WCU correlates. As you see the task is connected with an unspecified amount of WCUs where the task will execute. The task is also connected to one of the nine assignment as its that assignment that the task will be running.

The basic concept of the WICE portal functionality is to run and observe so called tasks. A task is an assignment (MCD-Hub, IDC, Canrecorder, SoH, SignalReader, SWDL, ETAS, Softhub or Blue piraT) to update or collect measurment from one or many cars. Tasks are run and observable when a user starts a task via the WICE portal on a set of Wireless Communication Units (WCUs) located in a set of cars. The portal then dowload the task's assignment to the WCUs when their cars ignition is turned off. Each WCU then runs the task's assignment on its car. The user can then see the task's result on each WCU as the task's assignment will get different results depending on which WCU it ran on. This is because of that a task gives the same assignment to all WCUs but as different WCUs are located in different cars doing different stuff it will collect different data. To recap and illustrate how this works you can look at figure 1 and 2 explaining how this correlates.

Figure 3: This is how a task can look when it is ready to be created.

A Simple Scenario

Now that we have gone through the concept of the WICE portal we will now give a more concrete example. Lets say you want to create a task with a Statement of Health (SoH) assignment where you collect the cars voltage and mileage. To do this you need to log in to the WICE portal with your WICE login (username and password).

Now that you are logged in you create a new task by clicking the "New Task" button at the bottom of the screen. When pressing the button a dialog will be shown with one tab for each assignment. To make the task a SoH task you click the SoH tab where the options for creating one will be shown. There you will at the top see six different checkboxes with different measurements SoH can collect. Check the boxes for voltage and mileage and scroll down to click "Add resources". Here it will come up a window where we will search and add WCUs. You can search for a WCU by different criterea and when you have found the WCU(s) you wanted and have dragged them to the bottom box with the selected WCUs you press "Done". Now it should look like it does in figure 3 and you can now press ok to start the task. We dont need to fill the other boxes as we dont need a description, notification about status via email or schedule(sparsely used). That was a quick instruction on how to create a new task but you can read more detailed about how to create every sort of task at Creating a Task.

When the task is done it will have generated results. You can see them searching the WCU(s) you used in the tasks tab (on the home screen). When you have found the WCU and your assignment you can select it and press the "Get Result Files" in the bottom left corner. then you will get a window where you can search among the result files. When you have selected a file you can get the option to get(download), plot the rout for, preview data and view the file. Theres more information about the search tab and viewing results in Tasks Tab