WICE video

From WICE Wiki v2.89
Revision as of 15:01, 7 May 2018 by Mathias (talk | contribs) (WICE video introduction)
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The WICE video module makes it possible to record and monitor live video from cameras connected to in-vehicle WCUs. Video can be very useful in many automotive R&D scenarios for recording conditions in and around the vehicle, including user behavior, traffic situations, etc. The video module thus extends traditional sensor data capture modules with the ability to capture video synchronized with other time series data. Similar to other data capture modules in WICE, for instance the Signal Reader module, the video module allows both recording and monitoring of video signals, with recording triggered by configurable events. Monitoring in this context means live streaming of video from the WCU to a remote video playback tool. Recording of video is done to the SD card in the WCU, with recorded clips subsequently uploaded to the WICE back-end.