
From WICE Wiki v2.89
Revision as of 14:10, 13 November 2015 by Alkitjohan (talk | contribs)
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This view is used to handle the various vehicles that are assigned to you. A figure of this view is presented below in Illustration 26. At the top, the red section, is a search area where you type in the criteria to be used for fetching the vehicles you are interested in. As you enter your criteria a row count is presented in the upper right area to show how many potential matches there are. The entries are also fetched as you type but only as many rows as fit your current view are fetched. As you scroll down more results will be fetched.


The number of possible columns to show is quite large, 24. The columns shown below are in default order. You will have to account for any changes you have made your self. The columns are:


The ID of the WCU. An example is MM-320:1

WCU Description

A textual comment attached to the WCU.

Assigned to user

Shows which user is assigned to a WCU.

Last DRO

Says when the DRO log file was last transferred to the portal.

Last log

Shows when the last log file was transferred to the portal.

Upload size

Says what the size, in k bytes, of the last data upload was.

Upload date

Contains which date the last upload was done.


This column says how much data has been transferred from the WCU to the portal the last week.


The plate number of the car where the WCU is mounted.


Shows the VIN of the car where WCU is mounted.


The column shows the latest known battery voltage as reported by the CEM.


The column shows the mileage of the car.


Shows how many hours the WCU been running the last week.


Shows how long the car has been driven the last week.

Project Id

Shows the project ID.

Proto number

Shows the proto number.


Shows the TSU ID.

WCU Version

Shows which version the current WCU software has.


Shows how many minutes have passed since the WCU made a connection to the WiCE portal.


The name of the GDS/SDDB file used when parsing SoH assignment data.

WCU voltage

Shows the voltage as measured by the WCU.

WCU storage usage

Shows the amount of storage available to store data on the WCU.


Shows the series attribute.

WCU name

An alternative name of the WCU as some WCUs registers with a MAC address id which is not so human friendly to read and remember.

Now, as there are so many columns present you have the option of selecting which ones you would like to see by right-clicking on the table header. If you would like your selection to be remembered between sessions, click the “Save headers” button after you have selected your columns.

There is a concept called “resource groups” you should be aware of in this panel. A resource group is simply a way to refer to a group of resources (WCU, Car) collectively. An example is when creating assignments you can select a resource group instead of the individual WCU:s to start a new assignment. Also, when showing the positions on a map, you select a resource group and press “Show position”, all WCU:s in that resource group will show. To see which resources are in a resource group you press the triangle to the left of the row and the row opens up to show the individual members. To show the members in the view you can rightclick the entry and select the option “find members” from the menu.

When selecting a row in the table the selected row changes to a blue shade. You can modify the description of the WCU by clicking in the “Edit Description” button and enter a new description. You can search among the vehicles log files by clicking the “Get log files” button.