The Portal Administrator View

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An administrator can do everything a user can do and more. In addition to the user, an administrator can create and modify users and stop assignments for any task. These new functions will be explained in the next 3 chapters. We will start with the search tab where two more buttons are visible. Next is the vehicles tab. Lastly is the administration tab with 5 sub tabs consisting of: the connect tab, the archives tab the GDS/SDDB files tab, the resource groups tab and the users tab.

The Search Tab

In addition to the functionality for an ordinary user, an administrator have one more button present. An administrator can send a stop command to any WCU. The new button can be seen in Illustration 32. Also, the administrator can search and view any user's task.

Illustration 32: The new button added to the search tab for an administrator.

The Vehicles Tab

An administrator can do quite a many things in this view. Illustration 33 shows an example of this view. The table header along with the buttons “Edit Description” and “Get Log Files” are explained in the page for Vehicles.

At the bottom you have a set of buttons to aid in handling the WCUs. To add a new WCU to the portal, the “New” buttons opens up a dialog for that. The “Get Log Files” button fetches log files for the selected WCU from the portal.


The New WCU Dialog

Illustration 34: The Add New WCU Dialog.

There are two ways that a WCU can enter the portal. The first is if you click the “New WCU” button and the second is the first time a WCU connects to the portal it registers itself. Ideally you will never have to add a WCU to the portal but just as a safety step you have the opportunity to add it yourself. When clicking the “New WCU” button the dialog in Illustration 34 opens up. You must enter the ID of the WCU as this is a unique identifier and you will be notified if the ID is already present on the portal. The description is optional but may be handy to remember which WCU it is.

Edit the WCU Configuration

Illustration 35: Configuration for WCU

You can edit the configuration of the WCU from the portal. Simply click on Edit Configuration to open up the dialog in Illustration 35. Not all fields are editable but they are present as they convey information. The fields that are not editable are “WICE portal address”, “Unit ID”, “WCU software version” and “Portal conf. Update date” which conveys the date when the current version of the WCU configuration was set into play. Depending on the version of the WCU software not all configuration parameters will be available.

The set of check boxes for the different modules that are present is four and are at the top. Check or uncheck these to tell the WCU if they are present or not. Doing so will speed up the boot process. “DRO Server” sets which server to contact for DRO readouts. If “DRO” is checked, DRO readouts are allowed. “Internet service provider” can switch which SIM card to use. “WICE portal address” says which server to contact for fetching new assignments, configurations, upload data etc. “Max GPRS size” says what is the upper limit of how much data to send home over the GPRS link. If the data size is larger than the limit the WCU will wait until a local network connection can be established before the data will be transferred. The limit is set in kbytes. “Tjuvstopp timeout” tells the WCU how many seconds it should wait after the ignition is turned off before it tries to contact the WICE portal. “Upload timeout” is the maximum number of seconds the WCU should upload data before stopping. “Erase error code” will erase the car's error code the next time a DRO is made. “Remote login server” is the remote login server to use. “Enable remote login” must be turned on in order to remotely login to the WCU through the proxy above. As an increased security measure one can set´the user name to be used for authentication. “WCU software version” tells which version of the software that is currently running on the WCU.

Illustration 36: Power mode settings

“Perform reset on update” removes all data on the WCU when installing a new WCU software. The two “Upload data at boot” and “Upload data at ignition off” tells the WCU when it should try to upload data to the portal. One of these should be set, if not, data will never be uploaded to the portal. “Power mode” has two settings, Sleep and cut-off. In cut-off, as indicated above, the MCD-Hub is not powered up on boot, nor is the WCU woken up at regular intervals to report battery voltage, GPS position etc. In the other mode, sleep, some more settings are visible as shown in Illustration 36 above. You can once again select the MCD-Hub to remain unpowered. In addition, you may enable the WCUs wake-up functionality. This function is simply made up of a cycle time called “Periodic wake-up time” and the corresponding “Periodic run-time” which indicates for how long I should be awake before going to sleep. The committo platform has some limits on the two settings and those are: minimum time to set between wake-ups is 10 minutes and the maximum time is 12 hours.

Lastly is “Enable VIN reader”. By unchecking this the VIN reader is not run on boot. As a short-cut you see which car type the WCU is currently connected to. If you click the entry you can edit that cars configuration through the dialog that opens which can be found in #The Edit Car Dialog, Next is the options at which time to run the IDC module. It can be done at boot or at ignition off or both or none. Remember though that not selecting any of these will make the IDC never to run. In SPA type of cars you must select how the IP addressing is done. If you select “static” you must also set which IP address the WCU should use. The “Wake on CAN” option means what it says, should the WCU wake up if it senses any traffic on the CAN interface. The last three options deals with WLAN. These are, for now, only useable on the MX4 type of WCU which has a WLAN interface.

The Edit Car Dialog