Difference between revisions of "Vehicles"

From WICE Wiki v2.90
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(Cleared up a couple of old points, and added Active alarms)
(Ordered the columns alphabetically)
Line 9: Line 9:
[[File:Illustration26.png|none|thumb|700x700px|Vehicles Tab]]
[[File:Illustration26.png|none|thumb|700x700px|Vehicles Tab]]

The number of possible columns to show is quite large (24). The columns shown below are in
The number of possible columns to show is quite large. You can elect which columns you wish to see by right clicking on the column header and select "Columns..". A small window will pop-up, in which you can select which columns should be visible in the table. These are the available columns:
default order. You will have to account for any changes you have made yourself. The columns

{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="WCU_ID">WCU ID</span>
| The MAC ID of the WCU. For example: AA-01-AA-01-AA-01.
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="WCU_Description">WCU Description</span>
|'''Active alarms'''
| A textual comment attached to the WCU.
|Presents a numeric summary of alarms. It displays the amount of errors and warnings.
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="Connected">Connected</span>
| Shows how many minutes have passed since the WCU made a connection to the WICE portal.
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="Distance">Distance</span>
| Shows the distance the car has been driven the last week.
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="GDS/SDDB">GDS/SDDB</span>
| The name of the GDS/SDDB file used when parsing SoH assignment data.
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="Last_DRO">Last DRO</span>
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="Last_DRO">Last DRO</span>
Line 26: Line 31:
| Shows when the last log file was transferred to the portal.
| Shows when the last log file was transferred to the portal.
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="Upload_size">Upload size</span>
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="Mileage">Mileage</span>
| Says what the size, in kilobytes, of the last data upload was.
| The column shows the mileage of the car.
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="Upload_date">Upload date</span>
| Contains which date the last upload was done
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="Upload">Upload</span>
| This column says how much data has been transferred from the WCU to the portal the last week.
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="Plate_number">Plate number</span>
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="Plate_number">Plate number</span>
| The plate number of the car where the WCU is mounted.
| The plate number of the car where the WCU is mounted.
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="VIN">VIN</span>
|'''Platform type'''
| Shows the Vehicle Identification Number of the car where the WCU is mounted.
|Search WCU by platform type.
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="Voltage"> Voltage </span>
| The column shows the latest known battery voltage as reported by the CEM.
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="Mileage">Mileage</span>
| The column shows the mileage of the car.
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="Up-time">Up-time</span>
| Shows how many hours the WCU been running the last week.
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="Distance">Distance</span>
| Shows the distance the car has been driven the last week.
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="Project_Id">Project Id</span>
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="Project_Id">Project Id</span>
Line 58: Line 45:
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="Proto_number">Proto number</span>
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="Proto_number">Proto number</span>
| Shows the proto number.
| Shows the proto number.
|'''Resource group'''
|The resource group (if any) the WCU is part of.
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="Series">Series</span>
| Shows the series attribute.
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="TSU">TSU</span>
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="TSU">TSU</span>
| Shows the TSU identifier.
| Shows the TSU identifier.
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="WCU_Version">WCU Version</span>
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="Upload">Upload</span>
| Shows which version the current WCU software has.
| This column says how much data has been transferred from the WCU to the portal the last week.
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="Upload_date">Upload date</span>
| Contains which date the last upload was done
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="Upload_size">Upload size</span>
| Says what the size, in kilobytes, of the last data upload was.
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="Up-time">Up-time</span>
| Shows how many hours the WCU been running the last week.
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="VIN">VIN</span>
| Shows the Vehicle Identification Number of the car where the WCU is mounted.
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="Voltage">Voltage </span>
| The column shows the latest known battery voltage as reported by the CEM.
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="Connected">Connected</span>
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="WCU_ID">WCU ID</span>
| Shows how many minutes have passed since the WCU made a connection to the WICE portal.
| The MAC ID of the WCU. For example: AA-01-AA-01-AA-01.
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="GDS/SDDB">GDS/SDDB</span>
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="WCU_Description">WCU Description</span>
| The name of the GDS/SDDB file used when parsing SoH assignment data.
| A textual comment attached to the WCU.
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="WCU_voltage">WCU voltage</span>
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="WCU_voltage">WCU voltage</span>
| Shows the voltage as measured by the WCU.
| Shows the voltage as measured by the WCU.
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="WCU_Version">WCU Version</span>
| Shows which version the current WCU software has.
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="WCU_storage_usage">WCU storage usage</span>
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="WCU_storage_usage">WCU storage usage</span>
| Shows the amount of storage available to store data on the WCU.
| Shows the amount of storage available to store data on the WCU.
| style="font-weight: bold;" | <span id="Series">Series</span>
| Shows the series attribute.
|'''WCU name'''
|'''WCU name'''
|Shows the name of the WCU
|Shows the name of the WCU
|'''Resource group'''
|The resource group (if any) the WCU is part of.
|'''Platform type'''
|Search WCU by platform type.
|'''Active alarms'''
|Presents a numeric summary of alarms. It displays the amount of errors and warnings.

Revision as of 15:06, 20 December 2019

This view is used to handle the various vehicles that are assigned to you. A figure of this view is presented below in the Figure "Vehicles Tab". At the top, the red section, is a search area where you type in the criteria to be used for fetching the vehicles you are interested in. As you enter your criteria a row count is presented in the upper right area to show how many potential matches there are. The entries are also fetched as you type but only as many rows as fit your current view are fetched. As you scroll down more results will be fetched.

Vehicles Tab

The number of possible columns to show is quite large. You can elect which columns you wish to see by right clicking on the column header and select "Columns..". A small window will pop-up, in which you can select which columns should be visible in the table. These are the available columns:

Active alarms Presents a numeric summary of alarms. It displays the amount of errors and warnings.
Connected Shows how many minutes have passed since the WCU made a connection to the WICE portal.
Distance Shows the distance the car has been driven the last week.
GDS/SDDB The name of the GDS/SDDB file used when parsing SoH assignment data.
Last DRO Says when the DRO log file was last transferred to the portal.
Last log Shows when the last log file was transferred to the portal.
Mileage The column shows the mileage of the car.
Plate number The plate number of the car where the WCU is mounted.
Platform type Search WCU by platform type.
Project Id Shows the project identification number.
Proto number Shows the proto number.
Resource group The resource group (if any) the WCU is part of.
Series Shows the series attribute.
TSU Shows the TSU identifier.
Upload This column says how much data has been transferred from the WCU to the portal the last week.
Upload date Contains which date the last upload was done
Upload size Says what the size, in kilobytes, of the last data upload was.
Up-time Shows how many hours the WCU been running the last week.
VIN Shows the Vehicle Identification Number of the car where the WCU is mounted.
Voltage The column shows the latest known battery voltage as reported by the CEM.
WCU ID The MAC ID of the WCU. For example: AA-01-AA-01-AA-01.
WCU Description A textual comment attached to the WCU.
WCU voltage Shows the voltage as measured by the WCU.
WCU Version Shows which version the current WCU software has.
WCU storage usage Shows the amount of storage available to store data on the WCU.
WCU name Shows the name of the WCU

Now, as there are so many columns present you have the option of selecting which ones you would like to see by right-clicking on the table header. If you would like your selection to be remembered between sessions, use the binocular icon with an add sign in bottom right corner in the Figure "Vehicles Tab". To save the currently entered search expression, similarly use the magnifying glass icon with an add sign. To read more about the view and search functionality, click here.

There is a concept called “resource groups” you should be aware of in this panel. A resource group is simply a way to refer to a group of resources (WCU, Car) collectively. An example is when creating assignments you can select a resource group instead of the individual WCU:s to start a new assignment. Also, when showing the positions on a map, you select a resource group and press “Show position”, all WCU:s in that resource group will show. To see which resources are in a resource group you press the triangle to the left of the row and the row opens up to show the individual members. To show the members in the view you can rightclick the entry and select the option “find members” from the menu.

When selecting a row in the table the selected row changes to a blue shade. You can modify the description of the WCU by clicking in the “Edit Description” button and entering a new description. You can search among the vehicles log files by clicking the “Get log files” button.

Show the Vehicle Position

To see the last reported position of a vehicle, click the “Show Position” button which opens up a map view of where the vehicle was last known to be. You can view several vehicles simultaneously by ctrl- or shift-clicking the vehicles you are interested in.

If you want to know more about the "Show position"-tool you can read more about it here.

View Diagnostic Trouble Codes

Viewing Diagnostic Trouble Codes

If an SoH assignment has been enabled to do Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) read-outs, you can view the trouble codes by selecting the vehicle you are interested in and push the button “View DTCs”. In Figure "Viewing Diagnostic Trouble Codes" you can see an example presentation of DTCs. There are five columns in the table. The leftmost is the name of the ECU issuing the DTC, next is the date and time when the trouble code was read-out, the actual DTC with clear text description, and thereafter the VIN and WCU id of the vehicle. If you click in the column for the actual trouble code, a dialog opens with that particular trouble codes. You can extend the size of the dialog in order to examine the trouble codes in more detail. You can also search the trouble codes as you can see at the top of Figure "Viewing Diagnostic Trouble Codes".

View ECU software

ECU Software Versions

It is possible to see the ECU software number for each ECU in a vehicle. Press the button “ECU SW” after you have selected one vehicle. The following view will be shown. As you can see in Figure "ECU Software Versions", each ECU's software number is shown along with when it was read. You can download the list as a tab-separated text file if you press “Download”.

Get WCU Up-time

WCU Up-time Dialog

This function is used to get a compilation of the up-time of a set of vehicles during a particular time span. Select the WCUs you are interested in and the click the “Get WCU uptime” button. This brings up the dialog to the right.

Choose the dates you are interested by choosing a start and end date. Next you have the option of downloading a CSV file, or excel file. The up-time in that file is listed as hours up-time per day per WCU. The other option is to compile the up-time in a chart shown on screen. The up-time is averaged over the WCUs selected for each day. WCUs having no up-time at all are excluded from the compilation.

From version 2.42 there is a new feature to display the WCUs uptime based on the data sent from statusd. More info in WCU Uptime.

Export SoH Data

SoH Data Export Panel

You can export data from SoH assignments to your local computer by using the function “Export SoH data”. Select the cars you are interested in as you can export for more than one car in one export. You select the dates you are interested in getting the data from. Check each item you are interested in. Currently you can select mileage, WCU voltage, ECU software versions, battery voltage and storage usage. The file can be exported in CSV format (suitable for Excel and other spreadsheet applications) and in XML format.

Resource Groups

WCUs and cars can collectively be referred to as "resources". As such they can be grouped together and be handled collectively in order to ease the administration of a set of similar individuals. A resource group can consist of both cars and WCUs but usually only one type of resource is in a resource group.

You identify a resource group by a gray arrow like icon to the left in the table row. If you click the icon the entry opens up and makes room for showing which resources are part of the resource group.

From version 2.42 the showing of the resource group's resources has been improved. More info can be found in Resource group's resources.

When a new task is created any resource groups assigned to you will show up in addition to individual WCUs. There is, however, no indication as to the particular entry is a resource group or not. If you select a resource group, the new assignment will be downloaded to all the WCUs that are part of the resource group. As a regular user you can not create and remove resource groups, only an administrator of the portal can do this.

From version 2.42 of the portal it is easier to search out members of resource groups using the "Resource group" column. When searching in this column one will get results that either matches the name of a resource group WCU or WCUs that are part of a resource group that matches the search criteria. In other words, if we search for "ABCD" we will get the resource group "ABCD" together with all WCUs that are part of the "ABCD" group.

This column can also be used to list all WCUs that are not part of any resource group. To perform this search, put "^$" in the "Resource group" column.

Alternatively, you can find the resource group that a WCU belongs to, by right-clicking the WCU and select "Search resource group".


If you have the right permission you will be able to view a WCU:s modules, and configure them. A module is a specific functionality of the WCU, such as a measurement tool. The available modules are: