The Portal User View

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This section will explain all panels and dialog in depth. Both regarding how you use it but also the limitations and some reasons to why it looks like it does. Section 3.1 will describe the meaning of the four top level panels. In section 3.2 through 3.5 each top level panel will be described in detail.

Top level tabs

On the top level there are four different tabs to choose from. From left to right they are:

  1. Active Tasks This tab represents the tasks that the user has started and at least one of tasks in the car is in a running, pending or error state. When all car tasks are in a stopped state, that task is removed from the list of active tasks. With this strategy you can be sure that once a task appears in the list, not all assignments have status stopped.
  2. Search Tasks The tab is self explanatory to the extent that this is what you really do here, search among tasks.
  3. Vehicles Manages your vehicles. As vehicles belong to users of the system, you need to assign a vehicle to yourself before you initiate tasks running on it. You can also deassign vehicles when you are finished with them.
  4. Administration In this tab you can administer your name, email-address, password and a few other things.

With these four tabs you can do all the work that is needed to start, stop and handle data to and from vehicles. A figure of the tabs is presented in Illustration 11 below.

Illustration 11: The four tabs shown to a user.

Active Tasks Tab

Active Tasks Tab

Search Tab

For info, see Search Tab

Vehicles Tab

For info, see Vehicles