New features in v2.83

From WICE Wiki v2.90
Revision as of 14:51, 24 May 2023 by Jonas (talk | contribs) (Added LPD changes in new for 2.83)
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Assignment editor signal reader increase limit on comment

Assignment editor signal reader general improvement

Assignment editor for IDC

Ethernet capture assignment update and improvements

WCU status now shows more assignments

LPD assignment validation and update capability

Previously, uploaded measurement task files for LPD (xls, xlsx files) were not validated in any way. Hence, a problem with the file was not spotted until the user tried to handle the task in the app. This was a bit tiresome as this meant that you needed to upload yet another task measurement file which was fixed. The uploaded file is now validated in order to make sure that the measurement task file can be handled by the app. In addition, the measurement task file can now be updated via "View Task" and then press the "Edit" button and upload a new measurement assignment task.