Assignment reviewer

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To-do list button
Assignment review window

A user can select an assignment for review. Upon selection, the reviewer will receive a notification in the form of a marker appearing on the to-do list button located in the upper right corner. Clicking on the to-do list button allows the user to view the assigned review. Upon doing so, the review assignment window will appear.

Review assignment window

The review assignment window contains the following:

  • Review date - shows the date the assignment was resigned to the reviewer.
  • Last updated by - shows who was the last to update the assignment.
  • Name of assignment - shows the name of the assignment the reviewer is assigned to.
  • Status - this shows the status of the assignment for example if the reviewer approves the assignment the status will update to "approved".

In the distant right corner lies a navigation button poised to swiftly transport the reviewer directly to the assignment.

Navigation button