Stopping assignments

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The tasks tab provides options to stop measure tasks in multiple ways. These are explained below.

Tasks can assume multiple states

Pending The task is waiting for the WCU to download it.
Running The WCU has downloaded the task and it has started.
Warning The task is running on the WCU, but has reported warnings.
Error The WCU has attempted to start the task, but has reported back major problems (that may have prevented it to run).
Stop pending The WCU still has the task applied, but will stop it next time it connects to the portal.
Stopped The WCU has stopped running the task.

Resume Task

Used to undo the stopping of an task. This is only usable on Stop Pending tasks, and reapplies the task so that the WCU will continue running it. If there is another task of the same type currently in Pending for that WCU, that task is changed to Stopped, and will never be downloaded by the WCU.

Cancel Task

Used to undo the application of a new task. Only useable on Pending tasks. The task is instantly Stopped and if there is a task of the same type currently Stop Pending it reapplies that task and changes the status back to Running.

Stop Task

Stops the task without replacing it, making the WCU not run anything of that task type. Useable on Pending, Running, Warning, and Error. Pending tasks instantly enter a Stopped state while giving the WCU a stop command. Running, Warning, and Error tasks enter a Stop Pending state, waiting for the WCU to report it has stopped before changing state to Stopped.

Force Stop Task

Force stopping a task is an Admin feature meant for WCUs which have been physically disconnected by an operator while having an active task. In this situation the WCU will not report to the portal that it has actually stopped the task (since it will not turn on). In this case, this feature can be used to place the task in Stopped for tracking purposes. This can only be used on Stop Pending task. If you wish to force stop a running/warning/error task, you need to stop it first (using Stop Task).

Note that this will not affect the actual WCU in any way.

Stopping tasks and strict resource groups

You can use these features on strict resource groups to stop all tasks of that type running on the WCUs in that group.
Stop Task will place all the tasks of that type in either Stop Pending or Stopped based on their status (see Stop Task).
Force Stop Task can be used used on strict resource groups with status Stop Pending to force every WCU in the resource group to enter Stopped state (see Force Stop Task).

Note that Resume Task and Cancel Task can not be used on strict resource groups.