Extra bundles

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An "extra bundle" is an optional software that can be run directly on the WCU. By default, all WCUs contain the Mechanics GUI (mek-gui), which is a software that allows for basic diagnostics, and also shelving the WCU. If a user wants to install additional extra bundles then they may do so trough the "Edit configuration"-panel that can be accessed through the Vehicles-tab.

Available extra bundles

Here is a condensed list of available extra bundles.

Extra bundle name Short name Functionality
Blue Pirat client pirat
Mechanics GUI mek-gui Provides a GUI on port 4200 for basic WCU diagnostic, video camera calibration and shelving
NodeJS nodejs Platform upon which Javascrtipt-based web server applications can be run. Used by the "Mechanics GUI" and "WCU Status".
Softhub software softhub
WCU Status wcu-status-gui Provides a GUI on port 3000 for monitoring WCU health, tasks and Signal reader. Can be used to trigger SWDL.